Tuesday 7 February 2012

HAGGIS "The Impeccable Glory Of Eternal War" Review!

Norway’s Haggis are one of the most hilariously bizarre Punk Rock bands I have ever heard. With a somewhat unhealthy preoccupation with a war on political correctness, Haggis’ “The Impeccable Glory of Eternal War” (2006) offers up, amongst others, the lyrically questionable yet undoubtedly catchy “I Work Like A Nigger”. Also to be found is a highly entertaining rant concerning Sham 69 which is probably the greatest explication of Skinhead fury and impatience felt and (probably through a misplaced sense of nostalgia) yet somehow rarely directed at Jimmy Pursey’s whinging fantasist face! Other highlights include a blinding cover of Skrewdriver’s “I Don’t Like You” and the humorous “Enlist today” which features the juvenile antagonistic lyric “You should enlist today (TODAY!), there's no excuse are you gay? (SO GAY!)” that is reminiscent of the bear baiting Lee Ving and his legendary Punk Rock band Fear. This isn’t Haggis’ finest work, I for one prefer the previous vocalist (Sturla The Bastard) but Ottar the Fat Animal does a good job, and despite failing to top the brutality of “Stormtroopers Of Hate” it hits the spot on a number of occasions with only a few lulls slowing the momentum.

 If you don’t like politically incorrect Punk Rock or have any particular quams about homophobic and sexist language or terms that share racist implications in other contexts outside this album then I’d steer clear of this one. If, on the other hand you like belligerent Punk Rock that says what it wants because it doesn’t give a fuck and has no real political motivations, prejudices or bigotry of any kind, then listen away! It’s a fairly good effort, not the best as I’ve previously stated, but definitely worth a listen. Just don’t take it or yourself too seriously! Haggis clearly have a bizarre sense of humour and don’t care who they offend- which is probably due to the security they find in the fact that they aren’t actually racist and seem to reject politics all together. It appears that political correctness won’t slow this band down- make of that what you will- I believe it to be an effort against obligation by the innocent as opposed to an aggressive outward statement of bigotry of any sort. In short, listen guilt free, they’re clearly not Neo- Nazis, and anyone who has informed you otherwise needs to do their fucking home work!

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