Friday 30 March 2012


I’d intended to avoid talking about the name in order to set me apart from everyone else who listens to it and not give the band the odd satisfaction of reaction! However, it’s utterly impossible so here goes; Slimy Cunt & The Fist Fucks’ visceral and putrid moniker perfectly pre- empts the bitter fury they unleash on the listener. Chainsaw guitars and guttural vocals characterise this bands’ sound and they sound as Belligerent 86 were they to overnight formulate an all-together more pessimistic world view which postulates the conviction that everyone and everything is completely doomed.
What’s nice about Slimy Cunt & The Fist Fucks (a phrase I never thought I’d write) is that whilst harbouring all the apocalyptic menace of 80s British Hardcore, they don’t lose themselves in an introverted eschatological mess. Rather, they redirect this fury into a harder and more vital sound, chop the standard length song in half, and leave the listener recovering from their bile covered rebellion.
Each track is as stand- out as the next and I’d recommend this to pretty much anybody across the board of the Punk Rock community. Although perhaps a more specific recommendation would be directed at Skinheads who like their Street Punk extreme and borrowing from only the finest elements of Hardcore, UK82 and general fucking fury. Seriously. Obtain this abomination.

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